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Sunday, January 16, 2022

How to Add a Picture to a Picture

In this article we will learn to how to add a picture to a picture without using any software tool or installation. We will be using an online tool for doing this, no registration or payment is required for this process.
Let it be your school/college projects or other works don't waste your time installing junky software's for a 5sec work and save your disk space at the same time.

Steps to Add a Picture to a Picture

Please follow the below steps carefully and enjoy!

1. Go to this link (Free and Opensource)

2. Load Image to the Online Editor from your PC or Laptop

How to Add a Picture to a Picture

3. Click Mask and Upload the next image

How to Add a Picture to a Picture

4. Rearrange, rotate and explore all the advanced editing option covered by this tool

5. Appy the changes

6. Download the final image


Hope you this article on how to add a picture to a picture is helpful for what you actually intended for, this is an amazing online tool where you can almost do all editing works without any pro skills

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I'm an Electronics Engineer with years of experience in Blogging and DIY Projects. I like to make new gadgets and write contents related to technology and Blogging.

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