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Saturday, November 2, 2019

Forum Template for Blogger [Open Source]

Forum Template for Blogger [Open Source]

A forum is very important for tutorial based blogs but blogger doesn't support forum pages like in Wordpress. In this article, I would like to share a forum template for Blogger which can be easily used to create a simple Forum in blogger. Even though this forum cant be compared with other forums we can experience a little bit form like experience with this theme.

This theme is completely based on bootstrap and therefore, it is well optimised and has great page load speed. Forum in blogger is always a bit difficult to implement but we can't set up a forum like in WordPress. This is one of my dream project which has partially succeeded and now I need help from my reader and other geeks who are interested in these sort of things.

Features of QnForum

Disclaimer: Please don't compare this theme with the PHP based forum templates, we know that blogger has some missing features.

  1. Completely Designed with Bootstrap 4.1.2
  2. Breadcrumb
  3. High-Speed Loading
  4. Mobile Optimised
  5. Ad Friendly
  6. Open Source
  7. And More
This theme is completely built with Bootstrap 4.1.2 with all latest features and optimised for Mobile. I have divided the forum into four sections. This theme is completely SEO Optimised with Breadcrumb and Structured data. Special Icon is supported for up to four categories to make your forum a professional look.

Also Read : Mobile Friendly Blogger Templates [Free].

Follow below thread to completely edit this theme for building your own forum. You can edit the entire section by following the below thread. Before going to below section view the theme by clicking the below button.

  This theme is free for private and commercial use. Yess!

Installation - Forum Templates for Blogger

Download this theme from the below link and decompress the zip file and you will have two folders (simple and modern forum). I recommend modern forum which has all the latest features like category section with the individual icons.

We are utilising the comment section for creating a question space, here we add each category to the label, post name and utilise this page for asking and replying the question. Others can also comment here and you can control the comment system directly from your Settings tab.


  1. Three Post with category names that you wish to form the forum and add the same as a label for each post.
  2. Don't forget to turn on the comment section for each post.

How to Setup QnFroum 

Upload the theme using the theme HTML section and I think most us know this step and I am not explaining about it.

Create necessary pages like about, contact, disclaimer, privacy policy and terms of use. and create post according to your category of the forum in my case it is about android, blogger, Electronics and Wordpress. I recommend creating four categories because our theme currently supports up to four special Icons for categories.

Editing the Header Menu

Search for <div class='navbar-collapse collapse' id='navbarsExample01' style=''> in the theme and replace the Page URL and name accordingly.

For Eg. This is the menu elements

<li class='nav-item'>
<a class='nav-link' href='/p/about.html'><i class='fa fa-user'/> About</a></li>

Replace the page URL with your page URL and change the font awesome icon accordingly if you need font awesome icon please follow this page.

After that change the name according to your page name. You can add more icons by copying the above code below the </li> and edit by using this procedure.

Editing the Forum Section 

This Section can also be edited to fit your category and Image. For that find this code <div class='special-icon-img'> and replace the image URL, Post URL and name accordingly. ( Green labelled fields need to be edited)

Eg. Special Icon for A category would be like this.

<div class='col-xs-12 col-sm-3 col-md-3 col-lg-3 special-icon'>
<div class='special-icon-img'>
<img alt='android' src=''/>
<h5> Android</h5> 
<a class='btn btn-vilot btn-large' href='/2018/11/android.html'>

Adding Ad Codes
To add the Adsense code just goto the theme layout and add a widget in the sidebar and below and above the post. That.s all if you find any difficulty in applying ad code you can simply comment below.

Opensource - Forum Templates for Blogger

The Interesting thing about this theme is that I am giving this theme completely free for everyone. I struggled to find an Open source theme for blogger and there was only a single theme which is completely free for blogger. I know some of us don't like these theme credits by authors which is actually they deserve but most of us don't like it and on the other hand, we couldn't afford the full theme Price.

Also Read : Responsive Blogger Templates.

Don't worry about updates this link is directly from the GitHub page so it automatically updates in each edit.


I hope that this article doesn't disappoint you but it is a fact that we cant create an ordinary forum in blogger because of the limitation in blogger API. You can too contribute to the development of this theme if you are interested in these kinds of stuff.

You can freely comment your doubts and queries below. If you liked this article, then please share this with your friends. You can also find us on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.

I'm an Electronics Engineer with years of experience in Blogging and DIY Projects. I like to make new gadgets and write contents related to technology and Blogging.

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