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Saturday, November 2, 2019

Telegram Share Button for Blogger [Direct Method]

Telegram is gaining popularity among bloggers due to its functions and other privacy reasons. In this article, we will learn how to add Telegram share button for blogger without any image file like most of the tutorial out there.

We will use the direct method to insert a telegram widget for blogger with font awesome icons and other optimized codes. Make sure that font awesome stylesheet is already installed.
Table of Contents

Telegram Share Button for Blogger

Telegram widget for blogger is very useful nowadays with the growing popularity and people using telegram as WhatsApp alternative for sharing large files and most of the unique features are only available in telegram like files can be accessible at any time from their server feature.

Bloggers have huge opportunities in Telegram which can be used to create channel and groups to replace WhatsApp for timely updates, interaction and file sharing.

Telegram Widget for Blogger

Follow these simple steps to add a simple telegram share button for blogger. Make sure that font awesome icon is already installed, if not please install it.

Step 1

Copy the below HTML code and paste between your existing share icons. If you don't know how to, please follow the below step.
Telegram Share Button for Blogger

Find existing code by using inspect element tool (which is already present in your chrome browser) and add the below HTML code in between the existing icons.

<a class='telegram' expr:href='&quot;; + data:post.title + &quot;%20%2D%20&quot; + data:post.url' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'/>

Step 2

Add the below CSS code between <b:skin> and </b:skin> that's all.


Step 3

If you have any problem please double check the HTML and CSS code. If you find any further error please feel free to contact us.

Why Bloggers should Consider Telegram

Telegram has some amazing features which are very useful for bloggers to expand and interact with their subscribers. YouTubers and Bloggers have already used this feature for creating a user network and notifying their updates. Some Amazing Features are

Channel and Group

We can create a public/private Channel or Group for our blog or youtube channel to be available for Worldwide user to join freely without channel link. Telegram has inbuilt feature for searching global channel and group thereby eliminating the need of sharing our group/channel link.

Telegram Bots

Bots are amazing for interaction between user and improving the user experience within our telegram channel and groups. There are various bots in telegram which can be useful for improving telegram interaction.

Embed Telegram Channel on Website

Telegram currently doesn't support to embed channel and groups. But we can utilize some other feature like Post Widget and Login Widget to embed channel message and channel link to make the user available to join.

Check this official link for knowing more about Official Telegram Widget that currently Supports.


I Hope that you liked this post on Telegram Share Button for Blogger. You can freely comment on your doubts and queries below.

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I'm an Electronics Engineer with years of experience in Blogging and DIY Projects. I like to make new gadgets and write contents related to technology and Blogging.

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